

Someone in Your Name

I crossed a good person,
a good company and friend in your name
That person wasn't you,
but they had your name
I can't decide that,
I've to been with them or depart.

They seem good like you,
but will they be like you too?

Our Present seem like
sweet dessert you gave me,
But the Future you give
is indigestible.

Should I stay with them
remembering your everytime?
How can I forgot you
while having them in you?

Someone in your name
feels like you,
I feel a curse in liking you.

What should I do?
I had my friend because
they had you by not knowing you.

I still love you
I still hold you
I still remember you,
how can I forgot you?

I believe just because the past
happened with the same,
I hope the future
wasn't be like the past,

I hope my friend is different than you,
more reliable and lovable than you.

© Hazel