

To my dearest Brave Girl...
❤My dear Brave girl...❤

I know You are in your bad phase now
But still don't even dare to give up...
A brave girl shouldn't burst out her tears...

Whatever dream or wish you hold in your heart...
I hope You go for it, Brave girl...
I hope You believe in Yourself in your entire being - And that in these bad moments you might not...
I hope You pretend until you do believe again...
I hope You never settle when it comes to Your own dreams...
I hope that You always chase them
with Lust and Fiery passion...
I hope You never let the doubters and non believers stop You...
And that You let The obstacles Strengthen and Humble You...
Brave Girl...
I hope You go for Your dreams because They are Yours to Have...

Urs Krish...