

To be young again, oh what a dream,
To live without worry, or so it seems,
To run and play with boundless glee,
And feel the world's wonders so carefree.

To dance with wild abandon and joy,
To live in the moment, without a ploy,
To bask in the sun, and feel its warmth,
To embrace the day, without any harm.

To see the world through innocent eyes,
To believe in magic, and be surprised,
To chase after dreams, with reckless abandon,
To live with passion, and not abandon.

To be young again, with all its bliss,
To relive those moments, that we all miss,
To feel the wind in our hair once more,
To live life to the fullest, and explore.

Oh, to be young again, what a gift it would be,
To cherish every moment, and to be free,
To embrace life's adventures, with open arms,
And to keep the fire of youth, forever warm.