

The Virus Control Act
Sparing none,
It spread far and wide,
Embracing its victims with a death's grip.
Finding a way to contain the chaos was just the beginning, just the tip.
Extremes were taken far and wide, and plans to control it were taken with great stride.
Despite these facts it still took its toll, and the greatest fear was to lose control.
One by one the numbers began to climb, and then there was panic that we were running out of time.
Weeks to months and months to years, it spread and spread giving way to all of our fears.
Some taken young, some taken old, everyone taken with a story to be told.
The story of a virus created in a lab, the story of depravity for all to be had.
The story of a government who turned on us all, causing much of society to crumble and fall.
And that is how the new Virus Control began, all because of one person and their world domination plan.
