

I See You..........!! (#TheUnrequitedLove)

All around, there was a romantic hue,
Probably, our heavenly union was long due,
From the day one, in the woods, when I saw you,
I admit— I instantly fell in love with you!

Happened something strange with me, experienced by a very few,
I found myself in the woods with fireflies emitting light– sparkling blue,
Where you walked through the woods and the mesmerizing hue,
Captivated as if intoxicated, I still remember how I would follow you,
Your index finger touched my face softly with a wavy flow and then lustfully you stared at me,
That was really a miracle when You smiled at me!

Not a single word, a moment and the entire meaning of true love–you taught me,
Began the long meaningless conversations, the love and the kiss,
The ocean deep eyes and the sight of face divine– never to miss!

It continued too long and flew a year or so,
But my repeated proposals you never responded, never said–Yes or No,
My tender feelings remained unanswered and insatiated,
Obviously, my love becomes the love unrequited!

Finding me unconscious and in condition fatal,
Well wishers evacuated me and took me to the Hospital,
Pscychiatry department diagnosed my condition as unknown mania,
Probably, a prolonged case of schizophrenia,
Doctors say— I experience hallucinations as I talk to non-existent things,
Well wishers believe– I interact to invisible paranormal things!

Now, I do understand, they are absolutely right,
Since I always see you but for others– you are out of sight,
You still talk to me and give me an intoxicating smile,
Now, I am in mental asylum with my case catalogued as an ‘X-File’!!

—Vijay Kumar—
© Truly Chambyal
