



So in Morning I was thinking about someone,
The one who is most important part of my life in the whole world.
He was such a pure soul,
Thus god wanted him so badly.
He left us in 2019,
its a long time been.
But still remebering him mades me cry,
he always motivated me to try.
He used to complete all my wishes,
and my tears get vanishes.
My grandfather gave me the best childhood,
that I never thought it would turns so good.
Choclates, toys, snacks, he spoiled me with everything,
he was such a pure human being.
I always remember watching Cricket with him,
and cheering whenever India wins with him.
Listening Radio to watching TV,
all are the best memories I have ever got with him.
Giving him sweet hiding from mom,
was my daily job.
He had the best humour among all,
making me laugh while keeping his cool charm was what he was all.
He was the backbone of family,
Finally went to heaven so early.
Why he had to go so early,
I was just thirteen when he left, I had a talk with him barely.
I remember when he used to catch up with my mom to take class of mine,
but then he was the only one to save me from her at that time.
He wanted to See me acing the 10th boards,
but he left before that which made me broke.
But I still fulfilled his wish,
and now want to make him proud.
By working hard,
so Let's start..

I miss you Appa!❤

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