

Shielded Heart
Do you still love me?" she asks with a grin
As if I'm a fool, and our past doesn't sting
She said it was over, walked away with ease
Left me shattered, on my knees.

But time has healed, and I've found my strength
I'm not the same heart, that was lost in length
I've learned to let go, to move on and thrive
So why is she here, with this question alive?

Is she seeking closure, or just a thrill?
Does she want to see, if I still feel?
But I'm not the same, my heart's not on fire
I'm just a shadow, of my former desire.

I'm dazed, she bashed me, with a venomous tongue
Toxic, she said, as she walked away, so young
Now she's back, with a smile so wide
Wanting to rekindle, the flame that she denied.

Funny creatures, indeed, with hearts so cold
One moment they love, the next, they grow old
Of the flame that once burned, with passion so bright
Now reduced to ashes, in the dark of night.

She wants to get back, to the love we made
But I'm not the same, my heart's been remade
I've learned to shield, to protect and defend
From the poison she spewed, with a toxic trend.

Once bitten, twice shy, I've learned my lesson well
Never again, will I let my heart dwell
In the depths of pain, where love turned to shame
I've closed the door, and thrown away the key to the flame.

This chapter was closed, and will never reopen
The wounds have healed, but the scars remain unspoken
I've moved on, to a brand new page
Where love is kind, and not a toxic stage.

I'll cherish the memories, but not the pain
And never again, will I love in vain
My heart is free, my soul is clear
No more trauma, no more tears.

© Promise Okon