

Thoughts are seeds that take root in the mind
Nourished by intention, they grow and entwine
A garden of possibilities, where blooms unfold
A reflection of the thoughts, that we choose to hold

With every thought, a path is laid
A journey of perception, that's shaped and made
By the power of mindset, we rise or we fall
A choice to cultivate, a garden of hope or a wall

A good mindset is a fortress, that guards the heart
A shield against negativity, a work of art
It's a canvas of positivity, where colors shine bright
A masterpiece of resilience, that guides us through the night

So let us tend to our thoughts, with care and with might
Nurture the positive, and let go of the dark of night
For the power of thought, is a force so divine
A tool to shape our reality, and make our dreams align.

© Gifted hands