

Weight Wait War
The waiting war,
Waiting has to be the most defined weight to loose,
calm down! wait! stay with me! I've got you!,
but you're in that phase where you don't know what to do with your life and it begins to weigh you down and that is a weight we do not want to carry.
So what do you do?
Pray about your purpose here on earth and lets see, I refuse to believe that we don't have a purpose at all. we have a purpose as an individual,a friend,as a citizen and as a family. Someone's destiny is in your hands too and you're also a helper to someone out there.
The weight wait war will only weigh you down and you'd be at war with yourself, before you realize it,you feel less of yourself.
Now that you know that you're so needed in this world, don't nurse your feelings with self pity and work towards what the Lord will talk to you about and act accordingto the plans and watch you MOVE.

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