

(Sparqua - sunlight sparkling off the surface of a body of water.)

I would hate to live in the city where pigeons and sparrows are the only birds you see.

Where trees are scrace and trees of any size are all but nonexistent.

Where all the trails are paved.  With  buildings, one after another, lining their edge.

Where there are no wildflowers but in the occasional empty lot allowed to be taken back by nature.

Where the pastel colored sky of a sunrise is hidden by brick and mortar buildings stretching  into the sky.

Where you can not see the bright brilliant colors of the sky as the sun slowly sets at the end of each day.

Where, for all the city lights, you can scarce see a star burning in the night time sky.  

Where  there is no water, like ponds and streams, and all the things that water brings.

Like sparqua glittering off the ripples of the waters  surface  made by a light breeze

Or the herons and mallards and wood ducks in all there colorfuly painted beauty

Or hear the frogs  loudly singing their croaking harmony along the waters edge.

Or the painted turtles with there shells of red and green sunning themselves on logs that stretch out into the water.

Or the cattails that stand proudly upright lining the waters shore.

Or the dragonflies of varied colors darting here and there  chasing one another as if they are playing a game of tag.

They stop to hover for just an instant just above the water's surface before quickly darting away once again 

Or The wild flowers that can not survive away from water like blue flags or lotus flowers.

Yes i would hate to live in the city where man keeps nature at bay lest if it were allowed in he might grow to love it
© terry colby