

I felt forsaken scanning my phone
In between the masks of thousands
The protected me behind the walls
Looks at the happy people around her
Sulking at the bottom, she closes her eyes
The darkness is scary but familiar
She feels herself, her thoughts, her heart, her love
All the emotions hidden inside give her warmth
To breathe and peek out of her cave
She doesn't speak her eyes portray all
People are busy with faces ignoring the secrets of optic
The mystical power of hatred and anger are slowly poisoned through her veins
Where should she find love?
The Innocence, the lightness, and the playfulness of her youth are gone
She needs to be understood right?
Or maybe wrong cause choices aren't provided here
You lose something to win something that isn't forever
And when you open your eyes
It's all the same dark, beautiful, and mystic.

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