

In life's grand tapestry, we find our way,
A journey through the night and into day.
A dance of moments, both joy and strife,
A symphony of love, the pulse of life.
Through valleys deep and mountains high we roam, Seeking purpose, finding our way home.
In every step, a lesson to be learned, Each twist and turn, a page that's yet unturned.
Embracing change, we grow and we evolve,
In every challenge, we find our resolve. The sun may set, but it will rise anew, A promise kept, a chance to start anew.
Cherish the laughter, weather the tears, Hold close the ones who quieten your fears.
For life's a gift, a treasure to hold dear, A journey, an adventure, year after year.
So live with passion, love without regret, Embrace the moments you'll never forget.
In every heartbeat, in each breath you take, Find the magic that makes life truly great.

© Piaa