

The Spokes of the Ashoka Chakra

In the heart of your flag, a circle turns,
Twenty-four spokes in a radiant dance.
Each one speaks, in silent yearns,
Of truth, duty, and an eternal chance.

From Ashoka's wheel, a timeless tale,
Of ancient paths and modern dreams,
Where dharma's road does not fail,
Guiding us through life's streams.

First spoke whispers of the dawn,
Of love's embrace, unbroken, strong,
A unity where no soul's forlorn,
Where every note joins in a song.

Second, justice, clear and fair,
Its scales balanced, without a sway,
Each life given its rightful share,
In the light of an unclouded day.

Third spoke chants of courage bright,
A heart that stands, unbowed, unbent,
Against the shadows of the night,
With strength and will, it is content.

Fourth spoke tells of peace serene,
A calm that settles in the soul,
Beyond the battles, unseen,
Where silence is the final goal.

Through the spokes, the wheel does spin,
A cycle of life, ever in flow,
In every turn, a world within,
A truth that we strive to know.

For Ashoka's wheel is not just stone,
It's a mirror of our inner grace,
A guide where our spirits are shown,
A journey we all must embrace.

So let us heed these spokes, these stars,
In the tapestry of our fate,
For in their wisdom, there are no bars,
Only paths to elevate.

© AJ Wappelhorst/Bear Klan Media