

Love is given to all
Some use it
Some throw it away
I gave you my love
I gave you my heart
I gave you everything i had

But what did you do?
You took all & just threw it away
I am deeply hurt
Hurt that you didn't even try
Try to fight for our love
They say love is blind
But ours is deaf

I now regret the tears i shed for this love
It feels like i was in a relationship alone
It was I who battled all the obstacles
Maybe i was wrong that you could be the one
The one that i've been looking for all my entire life

You don't know the pain of loving someone
Who doesn't even care
I swear that someday you will understand
That i truly loved you
You will miss me and ask for forgiveness
That day i won't be waiting for you

follow me on wattpad @witneypearl3

© witneypearl3