

Choose Me
I found me in the same place I lost me. I had to apologize to me because I left me. I let life & others who don't know my story, tell me my story. It's funny the judgemental thoughts that live in the minds of the one's who so called love me. Me which me because I'm more than one way, that don't make me fake it makes me aware of me but yet you judge me claiming I don't even know me, when the truth is..... That it is you who doesn't know me you don't care to know me but you want to play victim and tell your story. I say fuck your story mines matters too but you abuse my truth with your judgement telling me I don't know my own truth when it is you who misses my truth so I decided to not tell you, you don't deserve to know me. I am forever growing me, learning me, loving me, choosing me, discovering me, and most of all just being me.

#selflove #self-respect #Love&love #truth #selfbelieve #Life #inspiration
© Shanice L Hairston