


I chose answer over question,
For in answer, i found question.
I chose tears over ocean,
For in tears, i found ocean.
I chose night over day,
For in night, i found stardust.
I chose solitude over crowd
For in solitude, i found peace.
I choose memories over moments,
For in memories, i found innocence.
I chose darkness over brightness,
For in darkness, i found constants.
I chose cry over smile,
For in cry, i found candid.
I chose pain over happiness,
For in pain, i found prompt.
I choose past over future,
For in past, i found life.
I chose poem over story,
For in poem, i found acceptance.
I chose me over nothing,
For in me, i found emptiness.
I choose love over you,
For in love, i found you.

#choice #untoldstory #love

*When only Love Remains...*
A statement where sarcasm and deepest of helpless wish shook hand