

what makes her a perfect wife
Do all things by her own without saying a single word,
And but why are you even her partner when she has to suffer all alone,
When she say not now but you don't understand the meaning of consent ?
When she priorities her career first but not a child birth,
Instead of being a understanding partner you question her motherhood ?
When she do whatever you told her to do
But one day she does what she likes then all of a sudden she became not so sanskari wife ,
Doesn't she also have a right to make her own choice ?
When she don't support any single thing which makes her mental peace away,
Instead of being the supporter you question her decision ?
When she listens unnecessarily taunts from your parents,
Instead of make her understandable why can't you take a stand for what is right ?
I was thinking what makes her a perfect wife,
Doing duties of a marriage all alone and at the end die slowly by the pressure of it?
Old thinking and norms has to be vanished soon,
Until it become a unbearable disease to cure .
© vyanjana