

Let's break.. away from our pieces
He misses the one he had with him all his life.
She misses the one she could never have with her all her life.
We are all missing pieces, missing our pieces, unable to piece together the missing piece.
We look for peace in the missing piece, messing up the world of our loved ones, whilst letting our hearts linger on the missing piece that is intent on messing up our lives.
Well, where is that missing piece that holds our forgotten calm?
Heartbreak has it
Regret has it
Death has it
Ain't it gone, lost forever in their arms?
Why do we lose ourselves with it, in it?
Why can't we break away?
Why let heartbreak, regret and death take a part of us away with them?
We are all meant to live, to give a meaning to life.
Remember, we were once whole
Now all that is left, is a gaping hole.
Time to fill it with love, self love, the only glue as of now, of our now, in our now.
Love is the kintsugi, the powdered gold of divinity, emitting the fragrance of an ever blooming rose, scattered liberally everywhere in us.
Come, let's join hands with destiny, if we are unable to change it.
Let our palm lines smile, mirroring a happy future in it.
© nobody