

Bird in a cage
Sometimes i feel like I'm trapped
Like i don't know how i got here or how it all happened
Somedays i feel like a guest in my own home
Unknown to anyone in the room
While the other days i feel like my home is the only prison I've ever been to
And everyday I feel like I'm not welcome anywhere I go to
There's an invisible tape attached to my lips
Like the universe is telling me not to utter a single word
Even if i manage to talk, my voice is so low that no one can hear what I've been to
I feel like the only person on earth
Like I'm the only one who can hear my thoughts
I feel like I'm in a cage that no one knows where the lock is
Even if they know, they wouldn't notice my absence
I smile in front of people
Just to let them know that I'm not a weird person
But they don't care
They don't care even if I'm alive or not
Even if I'm hanging on a rope
And beside my dead body there's a note
Saying that i thank everyone a lot
That no one is at fault for me not living my life to the fullest
That you also don't need to cry for me...even if you won't
I feel like a bird in a cage
Who doesn't know what freedom is like
And just exists to show what I look like
Because I know my family just wants me just to show that once upon a time they had a child
Now I feel bad for birds in a cage
I feel like I know what they really feel like
I just hope that someone could find my key
Release me from my cage and set me free
But even if that person doesn't come
I wish I could be that someone to someone
And go on a mission with that person
Helping everyone into a new season

© Nahimi
- Nahimi