My first provider, protector, instructor & defender.
My lips tug upwards in a smile. Memories of a fond childhood created by you sizzles down memory lane.
My! the first clothes to cover my tender frame you provided. Mine, you call me with a smile. Memories of sitting under the moon light as you tell us of your childhood in our native tongue, sizzles down memory lane.
My father this! My father that! we would always chant when scared, bullied, or threatened. ...
My first provider, protector, instructor & defender.
My lips tug upwards in a smile. Memories of a fond childhood created by you sizzles down memory lane.
My! the first clothes to cover my tender frame you provided. Mine, you call me with a smile. Memories of sitting under the moon light as you tell us of your childhood in our native tongue, sizzles down memory lane.
My father this! My father that! we would always chant when scared, bullied, or threatened. ...