

The Letter
As far as a letter goes,
It was nondescript,
The message it carried was sinister and with total darkness it dripped.
Words written with fury,
no reason given why,
just a poor, sad girl's last and final goodbye.
There was no explanation,
just a telling of her pain,
and lists of all the empty nothings that she felt she had left to gain.
No place of peace or solace,
for as far as she could see,
therefore no more reason for her to continue to be.
This letter had been written,
and the deed would soon be done,
and to hear her tell it, her battle would be won.
As she closed her letter,
she signed her name in tears,
giving up forever and giving in to fear.
Just then something happened,
and she saw the light,
she heard a voice whisper, "Don't give up the fight!"
She then rewrites the letter,
deciding to begin again,
this time seeking help to bring her pain to a different end.
This time she reaches out,
refusing to hold it in,
and now she is realizing that the fight is truly worth the win.