

Crying in the shower(Written by Diana Goldovniuk)
I am crying a shower
I am losing my power
I feel not power all the hours
All the hours I feel crazy
And I can be so lazy
I can't keep going like that
I so much want to sleep
I am loco like bip bip bip.

I am crying a big sea
I am sure nobody can see
I am in the shower
I am deep just in my mind
Who can find only my mind?
Everybody can be blind
Nobody can know what do I
really feel!

I can dance on the water
It's all in my mind
I can put all that behind
My tears are in the shower
Outside I just show my power
The life is just a flower
All the colors are outside
Or I can just falling, just be fallen.

I am crying in the shower
All the mess is going crazy
My hair and my...