

The Gate : Fearless Love
Fearless Love

In the land of fairless beauty, where dreams take flight,
Where the sun shines golden, and fills the day with light,
There lies a secret garden, where flowers ever bloom,
And nature's enchantment banishes all gloom.
The fairless roses dance with grace, petals kissed by dawn,
Their fragrant whispers soothing hearts that are worn,
Their colors like rainbows, vibrant and grand,
Painting the canvas of this magical land.
But fairless beauty is not just in the flora,
For in every creature, it beams with aurora,
Butterflies flutter, their wings a vibrant hue,
A symphony of harmony, nature's debut.
Oh, the song of the birds, the melody so pure,
Their voices echoing, luring hearts to allure,
Their feathers like rainbows, a sight to enthrall,
A heavenly chorus, captivating all.
As the rivers gently flow, sparkling with delight,
Kissing the meadows, soothing day and night,
A reflection of serenity, a mesmerizing view,
In fairless beauty's embrace, dreams come true.
And in the eyes of humans, a spark is ignited,
A sense of wonder, joyful and excited,
For in fairless beauty, we find our own worth,
A reminder that we too, are part of this earth.
So let us admire this enchanting place,
Where fairless beauty resides, full of grace,
Let us cherish and protect it, with all our might,
For in its embrace, true happiness takes flight.
Magod Scroef
© Oyama Sibidla ™