

In the cosmic realm where stars align,
The zodiac signs with their stories entwine.
Each with its own addiction's plight,
In the tapestry of the celestial night.

Aries, bold and filled with fire,
Addicted to action, to never tire.
Seeking the thrill of conquest's gleam,
In the rush of battle, they find their dream.

Taurus, grounded, steadfast, and true,
Addicted to comfort, to what they pursue.
In the lap of luxury, they find delight,
But beware the lure of material might.

Gemini, twins of duality's sway,
Addicted to change, come what may.
In the whirlwind of thought, they're caught,
Yearning for novelty, endlessly sought.

Cancer, with heart as deep as the sea,
Addicted to love, to emotional spree.
In the depths of passion's embrace,
They seek solace in love's gentle grace.

Leo, majestic, proud, and bold,
Addicted to praise, to stories untold.
In the spotlight's glow, they find their fame,
But beware the ego's consuming flame.

Virgo, meticulous, with mind so keen,
Addicted to perfection, to order pristine.
In the pursuit of flawlessness, they strive,
But perfection's illusion may devour alive.

Libra, seeking balance in all they do,
Addicted to harmony, to fairness true.
In the dance of give and take, they sway,
Seeking equilibrium day by day.

Scorpio, with depths that none can fathom,
Addicted to intensity, to passion's anthem.
In the shadows, they find their power,
But beware the sting in passion's flower.

Sagittarius, free-spirited and bold,
Addicted to freedom, to adventures untold.
In the quest for truth, they roam,
Seeking wisdom far from home.

Capricorn, climbing the mountain steep,
Addicted to success, to goals they keep.
In the pursuit of ambition's height,
They scale the peaks, reaching for light.

Aquarius, with mind as sharp as air,
Addicted to innovation, to ideas rare.
In the realm of intellect, they soar,
Dreaming of a future worth fighting for.

Pisces, lost in the depths of the sea,
Addicted to escape, to dreams that flee.
In the ocean of imagination, they drown,
Seeking refuge where reality can't be found.

In the dance of the zodiac signs' array,
Addictions weave their intricate display.
But amidst the stars' eternal flight,
There's hope for healing in the cosmic light.

© Sisco Puentes