

The pain I feel when I loved someone
In the darkness night
he held my hands with passion
I felt the love
when he calls my name
butterflies popped in my belly

his love began to grow in my heart
the feelings became mutual
my thought is filled with sweet memories
i dream and think about him everytime
he became very indispensable to me

I would always want him to cuddle me before I sleep
I felt empty and lonely without him
I had always wish for a long kiss from him
he's defensive
I had always dream to have that kind of man that could love me

but... it was a dream
he didn't love me
he only use me to pass away time
I had feelings for him but he never add
he broke my heart when he told me that "you are a good friend"

I cried cause a person I love sees me as his friend not his babe
he broke my heart when he came to show me his girlfriend
I cry every night cause...
anytime I miss him,I read our boring fun messages and I cry more
he doesn't even call or text to check up on me

Love is painful
fuck love
