

Imagination's Well
Welcome stranger to this well of imagination,
In here, will you find your inspiration or your enlightenment,
In the shadow of your brain is a barrage created by society,
Make it crash, make it rust, Let your flow unfold

For within this hell of life, we are the light that keeps humanity going forward.

Shatter the silence, break free, be bold,
Forge in the fire of thought, turn your darkness to gold.
In the heart of the storm, find your truth, be told,
In the well of imagination, let your dreams unfold.

Break the chains of doubt, unleash your silent screams,
In the canvas of the mind, paint your vivid dreams.
Every stroke a rebellion, every color a verse,
In the gallery of the soul, be diverse.

Shatter the silence, break free, be bold,
Forge in the fire of thought, turn your darkness to gold.
In the heart of the storm, find your truth, be told,
In the well of imagination, let your dreams unfold.

Beyond the storm, lies clarity, peace within the maelstrom,
In the quiet after the tempest, your spirit will sail.
Ride the waves of creativity, in this ocean vast,
For in the heart of chaos, you'll find your anchor at last.

In the quiet moments, under the moon's soft glow,
Whispers of the past, tales of shadow and woe.
But look up, see the stars, in their eternal dance,
A reminder of hope, of second chances, a glance.

Let the winds of change, carry your fears away,
As dawn breaks the night, into the promise of day.
With every breath, a choice, a chance to redefine,
In the canvas of eternity, let your soul's light shine.

So welcome, traveler, to this realm unbound,
Where your lost whispers can finally be found.
In this crucible of stars, your light, let it meld,
For in this cosmic brainstorm, new worlds are spelled.

© Magnus Stalhart