

Government plotted and
And watered and seeded,
Till it came up with exactly what it needed,
to keep us divided and there fore defeated,
most everyone i know
Used to see in color, people were people
we loved one another,
but they needed us to hate and fight ,
so they made us see
in black and white,
and it happened
almost over night
the statistics were forged ,
so we would all take notice,
cleverly disguised in what they call covid,
now its a race war,
that no one will win divided like this,
our numbers to thin,
the real enemy here,
is the elite,
the news,
designed from day one,
to lie and confuse,
powered by greed
and wealth and political views
we all forget
our declaration of independace
weakened like this
we cant defend this
not to say
there arent bad cops,
but that was the easiest way ,
to ignite the cash crop, under color of law it wouldnt be as easy to stop,
if we could all could just see
the real threat at hand, and stand together,
and fuck up thier plans
man what a waste!
life liberty,
and the destruction
of the human race !

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