

I felt big to have a cushion
but was afraid about its intention
How will I be far from her bosom
Took me 9 whole months inside her
Only to put me aside, what a world

She surrounded me with all distractions
Thinking I will take pleasures in those toys
Yet, to be near her breast is a great task
How do I protest and defend my feelings
Only to yell at me, what a sigh and feeling

Oh, I will need to feed on new milk
All my tongue is glued to the stale fura
She didn't even bother to feel my mind
She was just dancing around to be free
What a world, always yearning but get little

I'm tired of this solitude and heartbreak
Why will she just leave me to the balls
All cares I desired, fastened to cottage wall
Is the world such a lonely type like this?
She left me alone, no longer by her side.

Next I have chance, I'll cleave to her nipple
She cant just forget all the 9months ally
I need to be wise, and learn not to let go
'Sleep' she yelled and I felt her voice and my pain
Only to suck a while and find myself in the cradle

Oh! how do I cope with this world unknown
That device means to separate me and my love
Each day goes, and my longing for more declines
I'm fed up with the cradle,just want to walk freely
My cradle, not a fun but challenge to deal with.

© Sir Taitophil