

The Cat That Is My Shadow
I have a cat,
That is a smokey Shadow.
He has fangs, but is not a bat-
And he follows me wherever I go.

My cat is a Darkness,
But his eyes shine with a yellow light-
Inviting me in his fur that he wants me to caress
And pat him on his face, which never looks at me with fright.

He looks at me, like I am a conductor.
And he the musician, of my heart.

If I move my arms up or down
He looks
At my hands,
Moving to and fro, like the way the music goes,
And he awaits for his cue,
To become more than a student, a muse, or teacher.
He comes to my heart's quivering heartbeat-
Knowing not what I do,
But somehow knows,
I need my Little Baby Kitty Inks,
To love me and show me the way through.

For he is my glue.

My cat of sadness,
My cat with blessings from Above.

My cat of emotional brilliance,

A cat named Inks,
my Inkpot of Love!

© Karen R. Hickey