

Always feels like my mind is never in a good place!
Am I realizing I’m ready to finish my life’s race?
Tired of doing everything at a snail’s pace!

I’ve become so good at putting on a happy face!
Maybe I’m just another mental headcase!
Really can’t tell if that’s the case!

I think I’m someone they could easily just replace!
Just like that I could be gone without so much as a trace!
Am I just nothing but a disgrace?

My life sometimes I wish I could erase!
Is there anything left of me any kind of grace?
Is there even someone with me whom I could embrace?

I’m just a small fly on the wall!
I am just so small!
I’m ready to fall!

When I was last happy can’t seem to recall!
Maybe better off disappearing my name for someone no longer to call!
Don’t even believe anyone would even miss me at all!

My mind tells me to just go away and never come back!
I’m in a world full of shadows within all this darkness all this black!
A mind always under mental attack!

Trying to fight those thoughts but the fighting spirit I’m starting to lack!
Wish people would cut me some damn slack!
For real I’m trying to get mentally back on this train track!

My mind says to just stay down and give up your life!
Many times flirting with the toxicity of a knife!
My head full of so much of this overbearing strife!

Wrists have in the past been ready to cut and bleed!
Many times been ready to do the deed!
Have wished that just once I was able to succeed!

The demons I’m trying not to feed!
It always feels like me they need!
Just want to one day to one way or another be freed!
© BDawg90