

will she?
Will she?

Tipping forward,her feet precariously clinging to the pier
The intensity of her agony,the remnants of her malevolent fear
Would she ever be like them?
Benevolent,strutting with eyes like the ocean's gem
Will she ever be adored by them?
The fathomless depths of the society,praising her like her friends
Will her face revolve around the charred hue she was?
Will the itching cream procrastinate her flaws?
Will she?
Will she?
Will she?
Ever witness to see the sunshine
The bright radiant tints,
the modest strutt of its gilded mane
The horizon when it deviates from its glow
The flourescent perlite torch now shone on the dependant moon
Will she be devoured by the pit of inferiority
Always be back stabbed by others superiority
Was it just better to stumble through her soul
Unto an abode where racism is not perched onto the texture they have worn
Shaking.Tufts of air excruciatingly exhaling
Poison drenching her forehead and sould quivering
She released the railing
Trodding towards a world where life is obscured from any race.