


Grace we thought your face
was not like me at all
More like your dad looks in all
But your compassionate side
was all me, all mine, all bragging aside you're more like me than your dad
any ole time
you care, you love, you work, you cry
you wish to be noticed but amuse yourself finding other ways to hide
you want to hide, you want to cry
you want to be alone
the artistic nature inside you
that's where it grows,
your heart was more than
the sum of all my broken parts
the Innocence was left in tact,
when God did his part,
to heal my broken
to bring me back, to restore
what was stolen form me,
every scar, every crack,
So the me that was broken and tired
He took and reversed it, For in you,
That Innocence, caring burden,
Compassionate, healer, it's your all,
you're beginning, middle,
And neccessary for your growth
As well as my own, to see that
he planted his love firmly,
giving me back in Grace
I am the one honored to have given birth
to such delicate traces of kind love,
the tears that I cried many nights alone God gave them back to me
when he made me your mom
your smile, your peace, your name
says it all, my God is love
and when I formed you,
I gave another way to taste that love
To taste, to feel, to see, to know,
to hope, to care, to believe, that when you went forth into your own life
the hand of the great Almighty
that healed your mom's life
when she cried out to him
in honor and thanks he blessed me
even more with the living testimony
of his grace, his peace,
my grace, my peace
amazing Grace how sweet the sound
So beautiful, so kind, so soft
I love you, I love you, I am thankful for you and I know you better
than you know Yourself too, you are me, the broken healed but instead, you are you, healed and strong
no broken, no cracks,
all darkness alas is gone as banished
so far away and I'll always
keep it that way,
The compassion and the spirit to care
that you and I both have, both bear
is both a blessing and a curse
and I know how it can be used for worse
so I will keep you and I will fight
to make sure that you know in this life
that you are needed, that you are great your testimony, is my testament
That God answers prayers
As I cried out to him,
he drew near to my broken
And from my longing formed you,
My tears turned to diamonds,
my heart lives on in my baby...... Grace.
© Gwen Canfield The Finishers Touch Poetry