

We claimed to have gained independence
Now, is there any difference between those colonial days and now?
What's the essence of our freedom?

Though we were told we operate democracy
They're chosen by us, but they aren't for us
They turn their backs anytime we need them.

When they come for votes, we accept to pin our fingers
Not because of their money, but because of the face they showed
Once they get what they want, they move to the high terraces.

This isn't good for us, our brains are getting corrupted
Now, we are so robust that our skeletons show
Our pots, households, and stomachs are empty.

Now as things stand only God can save
Those leaders aren't looking back to see if we are safe
Is this how we will continue to suffer.

Leaders, please have mercy on us
This hardship is becoming too much
Is it until the country parts that you realize what you've done?

© Sulaimon Khalid Everlasting Ink