

A letter to Chris
Just when I thought my scarred heart could never love,
Just when I was sure I was born to be celebate,
When I thought I was shinning solo,
When I had begun to consider the convent,
I met him;
My shining man in armour.
You saved me from the shackles of loneliness,
From the bondage of misery ,
Making me realize my mistake.
I fell so in love with you,
that nobody else mattered.
You came into my life,
brightening my life like the huge candlelight you are.
I couldn't love you more
because my love was way beyond it's peak.
You crumbled my walls
Changed me into someone new.
You opened a new chapter in my book,
With your love for me like the air I needed to survive.
But then you left me,
Worst than how you met me.
I'm heartbroken,
No one can fix me now.
But yet for the little moment we shared,
I realized something.
That love is real
and that I should never give up.
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