

The Olympian and the Scoundrel
A perfect summer day in the suburbs
Few clouds dotting the sky
The occasional gentle breeze
Walking back home with my friend Doug
Another successful drug deal compete
Back when hair fell to my shoulders
Dyed black like a wannabe rockstar
My pocket contents being weed, scale,
grinder, folding knife, and money just earned

We are now near my father’s home
A block away at the 4-way stop
As we cross we hear a loud sound
Engine roaring, tires screaming
A car flying, stop sign ignored
At last moment driver cranks wheel to side
Car just missing us
Force, weight hitting curb and tree
Throwing the car onto its side

Walking over with heart’s still pounding
We see the driver
Him hanging knocked unconscious
We debate running
Due to the contents of my pocket

But it was a beautiful summer day
The streets quickly filled with concerned citizens
EMS and police not far behind
Police ask us and witnesses what had happened
They see the driver now awake and lucid
Him apologizing, crying about reckless driving
How he’s an Olympic diver
That this will ruin his career

A cop pulls me aside
He asks me to fill a witness report
Passes me a pen and to use the hood of his car
Writing the report a familiar car turns the bend
Slowly approaching, window rolling down
The cops begins saying something to me
I tell him “one sec, that’s my dad.”
I walk over to my father car
His face pale from horror
“Dad this one wasn’t my fault.”
He looks at the flipped car, smashed tree,
crowd, and crying Olympian
“In that case I have some pizza when you
get back home.”

© JackDedalus