

The Great Divide
The Great Divide
No not a lesson in geography
The Great Divide
Is not about a river or a valley
The Great Divide
Is not even about city or state
The Great Divide
Is about the people of the world and the powers to be
The Great Divide
Its about good and evil
The Great Divide
Is about Gods creations and the inspiration of Lucifer
The Great Divide
It’s about the division of the people of the world so they may control the masses
The Great Divide
Is slowly working as you see the one people calling for death of another people
The Great Divide
Shows you people cheering the rape and murder of women
The Great Divide
Shows the world the beheading and killing of babies and children and they cheer this shows the evil in
The Great Divide
Leader is Lucifer he has the leadership of religious and government at his bidding and the people follow these leaders
The Great Divide
Is our destiny if we as people of God allow our separation from each other
The Great Divide
Is our greatest enemy and our greatest test of our love for each other and Our God
The Great Divide
Can we please turn this around . Can we?
The Great Divide
© Robert prezioso