

21 Moths
(Written from the name of 21 Moths)

The moon crosses the sky like a lunar hornet, it’s angle shades the green carpet, most differently, as if seeking shelter, a safer haven.
Why wouldn’t it, outside roam ruby and scarlet tigers, hungry for the moons light, any form of light.
from atop the chimneys, with soot covered caps, the chimney sweepers keep them at bay with their rods, while in the windows where gypsys dancing and chanting with ghosts, intertwining in some true lovers knot.
Then with a wood splitting crack and thunderous echo, they fell to their belly’s in the street.
The red-necked footman and his shield bearer, with their smoking muskets of burnished brass and common clothes had come to collect the elder pearl and large emerald eyes.
The blood-vein from the slain spilled onto the tarmac like an oily rainbow, which brought the magpie and hummingbird to drink from the ground.
And sat on my garden fence, watching all this unfold was an old lady, an emperor and an elephant.

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