

Freedom : In the Land of Beauty & Mystic*

In the land of beauty and mystic grace,
Where history unfolds with every trace,
Where heroes emerge, their stories untold,
The saga of India, so brave and bold.

Oh, Indian soil, once colonized and chained,
Bound by their shackles, freedom constrained,
But from the ember of passion arose a fire,
A burning desire for our nation to aspire.

Years of struggle, innumerable lives lost,
Countless dreams shattered, in the tempest tossed,
Yet through the storms of anguish and pain,
A revolution brewed, liberating our chain.

The blood of martyrs, a sacrifice untold,
Their valor and courage, stories of old,
With every drop shed, they painted the way,
For a dawn of freedom, breaking the darkest day.

In the battlefields, where brave hearts were slain,
They fought for a dream, for freedom to gain,
Through hardship and torment, their spirits burned bright,
Kindling a revolution, igniting the night.

Gandhiji, the Mahatma, a beacon of light,
His words and actions, a sacred insight,
With peaceful protests, he walked the land,
Guiding us towards freedom, hand in hand.

And as the clock struck midnight, on that fateful night,
A new chapter began, a nation took flight,
Seventy-seven years since that day of pride,
Yet we still remember, the old days abide.

Freedom, oh freedom, a cherished embrace,
A chance to thrive, to flourish and grace,
We hold on to the legacy, etched in time,
Remembering the struggles, our roots intertwined.

For freedom is not a fleeting day,
But a constant reminder to find our own way,
To cherish the freedom, so dearly won,
To foster unity, as one nation under the sun.

In the bustling cities, and the fields so green,
In the temples and mosques, where prayers convene,
In the hearts of every Indian, this truth we find,
Freedom remains alive, as a flame enshrined.

So, let us strive to honor the past,
To ensure our freedom shall always last,
For India, the land of dreams and old,
Will forever shine, with stories yet untold.

#freedompoem #poem #deep_widin #deepz_talk #poemoffaith

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