

If You Stayed!!!
How can you heal when you feel broken inside and out?
Like everything you say or do there’s always this doubt!
On the outside so unassuming while inside you wish to scream and shout!

Feels like you everyone is better without!
Inside your head a mental 5-rd bout
Everything about yourself you hate throughout!

You choose not to voice how you always seem to feel!
So absolutely fearful that it will become real!
Your internal pain and constant suffering and anguish you easily conceal!

What’s left of your mind to even begin to heal?
Loving yourself at all feels like an illusionary ordeal!
Down on your knees begging for God to take you away from all your pain as you kneel!

Was your happiness you used to have something your demons stole?
Did they take even your very soul?
Feels like everything is out of your control!

Just dig me deeper into the ground than I already feel in this proverbial hole!
Shall I go away with what remains of the burning embers of my heart and soul?

In this world of ours do I even have a role?
Is everyone else ready to rock while I’m ready to roll?
Every single one of my demons nipping at my mind taking an unequivocal mental toll!

Wondering if you’ll get it back from them once again under your control?
That would be your goal!
What does it even matter if you’ll never be whole?

You might choose to cut the demons away!
Is that the best way?
The demons ask you, “What’s the point of deciding to stay?”
A good question you don’t have the answer no idea what you can say!

Struggling to understand what’s wrong with you or if you’ll ever be okay!
When everyone else sees blue skies you can only see the gray!
Are you just a piece in life’s game to play?

You’d feel fine if you were to die on this day!
You feel there’s nothing left for you to say!
Would it all be over for you today?

You’re told the best thing to do is to pray and everything will be fine!
Is that just something said to make you fall in line?
Is this what they call the great Divine?

You’re already mentally on the decline!
You get down on your knees and bow your head asking, “Dear God please give me a sign!”
Is there truly something out there for you by his gracious design?

Are you better off getting away from everyone so yourself you’ve chosen to resign?
Are webs of people’s fates starting to intertwine?
Are you taking your life back from these viscous demons and ready to fight back and your life ready to redefine?

Through each and every cut you see every single failure you’ve made!
You felt it with every slice of the blade!
Nothing seems better no matter how hard you’ve prayed!

Giving up on it all these devilish demons you they’ll try to persuade!
On you they’ll throw the darkest shade!
Tired of them in your head they always invade!

This is their job the devil’s crusade!
You they’ve almost swayed!
Are you giving up and just going to fade?

They make you feel so dismayed!
Doing everything you can running away from them trying to evade!
Look how far from the path you’ve strayed!

Are you just living in a false masquerade?
Ready to go off and explode like a grenade!
Is your mind the real arcade?

Your life for someone else’s you’d trade?
To rest you wish to be laid?
How much longer will you feel afraid?
Are you better off going away or what if you stayed?
© BDawg90