

An Inside Job
My mind tells me things that are too overwhelming for my heart,
I been trying to get back on track but I don't even know where to start,
Mentally I'm drained and physically I'm just scared,
I don't know if I'm overreacting or if people playing like they care,
I be feeling alone a lot in life,
I'm married but lately I ain't been feeling like I'm somebody's wife,
physically and mentally I'm drained,
And lately my brain ain't been thinking the same,
I want to get up and get out but ain't feel stuck,
I just want to sleep all day like I'm giving up,
"I can't" been in my vocabulary left and right,
When it's time for bed I be tossing and turning all night,
I'm realizing ain't nobody coming to save me or offer me help,
I gotta save myself,
I'm taking it day by day and I'm starting with the inside,
because honestly how can I function if my mind ain't right,
I have to take my issues on so I don't get defeated,
I gotta release this pain,anger and resentment so my depression is not repeated,
To be born again you have to let go of everything holding you back,
most of the time what we need to release is inside just know that,
© Porsche Nicole Cobbs