

If only wishes can come true,
I have one or two or maybe a few,
And they're all about you,

To hold you close and tight...
Although you prick me hard,
Hard as thorns!
A wish to
Love and hurt you
Only if this foolish heart of mine,
could settle for one!

I wish you become water...
Cool me,
Warm me,
Remind me...
l die without you!

My wish
Be my* sun!
Stubborn and Determined!
Summoned or Ousted
Like a heartbroken gatecrasher....
You forcefully come into my life,
And make your bed in it...
Disappear a minute into the clouds
Parade your worth,
Making manifest the dangers and voidness ushered in by your absence to my life


My Wish
Love me till l see nomore
Till l feel nomore
Till l take in the pain of every thorn
As l yearn for more ....

But as they say....
If wishes where horses,
beggers like me....would indeed ride
_© Nyasha Chipendo _