

Dark times,
When I look in the past,
In the years 2007&2008,
When Kenya was a nightmare,
I cry, and curse the evil heart.

The president had won,
"Resign", became the enemies word,
"He stole", was the bitter song,
"He won't", people thought about this.

People were killed as cows,
The innocent became orphans, widows and widowers,
People were hunted like dogs,
Journalists, consultants and politicians, were all targeted to be killed.

Let love take control,
No one listened to this,
No one cared,
Because those were strangers.😢

Police officers responded to this,
Through bullets, bon fires and Tear gases,
People robbed each other,
Even from the poor ones.

This remains a memory,
A bitter one,
It is unforgettable,
In our Democratic and independent Kenya.

I adore the leaders,
Who are a symbol of humility,
Thank you for changing our home,
Because,you believe in unity.
With unity, we will stand.