

who said boys don't cry?
Who said boys don't cry?
Have you noticed that boy
In the corner of your class,
Bullied, beaten & barred?

That introvert kid always calm like a sea,
But inside a screaming storm,
That energetic kid, abused by his angry dad,
His vim & verve
Sucked out of him,
He's been unlike himself lately,

That teenage kid,
Failed in his exams, & everyone made him feel like his whole life is a failure,

That college boy,
Who dropped out,
Because he couldn't pay the fee,
And that graduate,
Who didn't get a job
Even after being the topper,
For so long that
He does not feel like living any more,

That man who is heart broken,
All his tears
Fell on his beard,
Salted and messy.
That devorced man,
Who misses his wife & daughter so bad,
That he cries himself off to sleep every day,

That middle aged gentleman,
Who is lost his job,
Worried about his family,
Startled, broke & sad,
That neighbor uncle,
Who doesn't have a child, And lost his wife in an accident,

That old man on the road side,
Left alone by his son,
After his wife's death,
For food and shelter,

They all cry.
Who said boys don't cry?
Some tears we can't see.

© Happywords_28