

You will see the Sun again
I once have heard someone say “Too much rain drowns everything. But at the same time, too much Sunlight brings drought. But if they coexist, life thrives.”

And I started thinking. What if it just keeps raining, and raining, and raining? But no rain has ever been so long that it erased the Sun completly. It was just behind the clouds, and they needed to pour themselves out to show the Sun again. And sure they will return, maybe just a little maybe long. But they will never be here forever.

So even if you feel like that the clouds will remain forever, let your rain pour like the strongest storm. Eventually, it will clear up, and you will see the Sun again.

(I know this isn’t much of a poetry, but appearantly it is too short for it to be published as a short story, so I just played the system. )

© anaelmallory