

Last waking hour
My last waking hour,
leaves scripture’s verse
of poetical dreams
heavenly words of time rephrased
But our brittle hands hold together,
As wisdom speaks and hearts age,
Life wages on misconception’s phase,
my dearest beloved
This is just life’s way
of saying time ends
and tomorrow, a new day begins,
my apologies if I leave,
Regrets if any come with me to grieve
A cycle of destiny captures you
with each blinking eye
tears sealed in frames
changes we withstood
but we can not go back my love
Two burning flames,
but wax never melts the same
With you I share my last breath’s
Embracing lingering shame
A prayer to my unpreventable death,
closure’s blinds,
for time fades and
my waking hour is up,
releasing you
As you wish me peace
in my own confines
© APoetsDestiny