

Your choice
I am still here sitting patiently in your shadow, I've given you the spotlight, your moment to shine, the stage is all yours, I've stayed hidden in the darkness of your greed, you're so selfish and you're blinded by the urge to obtain attention from people who only pretends to care out of lust, there's an audience that cheers you on to keep being who you are, but who really are you? and do you really know those people sitting in the audience? these questions means absolutely nothing to you, you don't care about your worth or your dignity those things never meant anything at least it'll never come close to the image of fame you're out hunting everyday. you'd rather sell your flesh short in order to be someone who wakes up in pain trying to please monsters that will never care about the sacrifices you keep making to stay in the fame. I've never been one to run after attention, it never sparked anything in my bones, I am more for the simpler things of life. I've seen what you've allowed attention to do to you and honestly I'll never understand the need to destroy yourself in order to live in a world where you're always in survival mode. you had the opportunity to choose a different road, I tried to help you draw another path, I even held your hand but you decided you'll never listen to someone who isn't running after the fame.

© Lettersfromsomiee