

Journey's End, Path Anew

It was summer yesterday in the Southern Hemisphere,
Prolonged daylight kissed higher temperatures, sending,
Fun and fare to mingle while socializing.
Vacation destinations, busied and bloomed with rhythms and hues.

Dreams, goals and visions, all perfectly conceived.
Plans dusted, oiled and sharpened hatched into,
Give it a shot! We can almost see the end from the beginning.
Here we go again, on a clean slate, but wish me luck.

Counting days of the week is a daunting task ,
But which is more daunting than counting without a motivation?
Days running into weeks, while we wait, months exchange batons to seasons.
Yet, we haven't crawled, walk, run or fly, we're motionless.

Summer is back calling, what do you have to offer?
With bended knees, humble heads and willing hands,
Nothing! Year end echoes as the sunset bids farewell .
For every journey's ending, sets a fresh path askew.

© Aquilo-Dominic G. Udo