

A Secret I Won't Confess.
─“do you have any more secrets?”
─“yes, I do”
─“can you tell me?”
─“well, once a lizard sprung on me
and I've been really scared of them ever
since then.
─“oh? but it doesn't sounds like a secret though.”
(you're right, because it is really not a secret, oh but how do I tell you? how do I tell you that i shed tears──everytime I got hurt because of you? and when i drink my morning tea I think about every sweet word you ever said to me? how the wind whispers I love you’s to me that my ears longed for but never heard from you? how saying your name felt godly and how every poem I ever wrote for you confessing my love in metaphors made my hands bleed?)

─ “it doesn't?, but it's the only secret
i didn't tell you before. and now, you
know it”
(𝑙𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑙𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑟)
─“any more secrets?”
(the only secret I won't ever tell you is─that I love you. I want you to reside in my heart, make it your territory, make my bones shiver by your love so kind, hold my hands tight enough to merge our souls. I won't ever tell you this, but if you ever said I love you to me, I know I'll say it back without even thinking twice.)

── tanvi