

The path ahead seems blurry,
And it's quite scary.
I'm clueless about this tumultuous journey.
Hoping for clarity amidst clumsiness.
I Insist on actions to overcome resistance.
There's a distance to cover, from now to the future.

A voice within calling for action ,yet confusion prevails.
Just inhale - exhale, And movement fails.

I yearn for a clear aim to transcends dependence,
An aim worth chasing to achieve independence .
This isn't the first time, It's my life cycle.
After every phase, I prays for better days ,
But they stay , leaving me puzzled
And forcing me to buckle up ,
for an unintended struggle .

Yes! I'm afraid to not matching up,
my own set standards.
To restart my hustle ,
It's tussle between - Time, efforts and desires.
Or Time, need and Purpose.
It's I versus I, not a second person's required.
I'm tired, uninspired ......
And Baffled by what the universe conspired for me?

I won't end this with a positive note,
Because I haven't taken any oath yet.
My only wish is to gain clarity on...
What next?....
Sitting in my comfort, knocking on efforts
to reveal my heart, waiting to move on
for the next.
But what??

Something That could lead me to highest point,
So Not again to ask, what's next task?
© Alphaclimber01