

surprise test in class 8th🤦🏻‍♀️

Back to school, ten days late,
Scolded in assembly, that was our fate.
First period, SST teacher’s surprise,
A test announced, much to our demise.

On the board, the question stood tall,
“What changed when the British did fall?”
Pages untouched for months, we knew,
The answer to this? We hadn’t a clue.

My friend said, “Write, I’ll copy you,
In different words, but what should we do?”
A myth we recalled, about our SST guide,
“Grades without reading,” the legend implied.

We spun a tale, wild and grand,
Of innocent India, a pure land.
No discos, no bars, no alcohol seen,
All modern madness, post-British regime.

Clothing styles, respect in a haze,
no mutual understanding in the new days.
With shaky hands, we wrote it down,
Imaginary changes, wearing a frown.

Collected the sheets, ours at the end,
Hoping our fate, the teacher would bend.
But alas, he flipped the stack around,
My answer first, my heart did pound.

Reading aloud, his voice did ring,
A classroom echo, nerves did sting.
“Soumya Tiwari,” he called with a glare,
Anger in his voice, heavy in the air.

But as he read, a chuckle did start,
Despite his scold, it warmed his heart.
He laughed mid-scold, the class joined in,
Laughter and lessons, a memory pinned.

Parul’s turn, the same tale told,
Teacher’s patience began to fold.
“Who copied whom?” he sternly pressed,
Silent we sat, truth unconfessed.

He explained the answer, faces red,
A funny moment, forever in our head.
"India changed profoundly," he said, with a glance,
Political, social and economical significance.

Culturally revived, internationally known,
India's journey after the British was gone.
The lesson learned, now crystal clear,
daily attend classes and study whole year.

Now we look back, with memories in our eyes,
Recalling that test and our funny surprise.
Despite the scold and feeling small,
We laugh now, remembering it all.
✍️ © soumya.tiwari

© soumya.tiwari